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In May 2016, my husband and I found out we were expecting. We were super excited. Then one week later on Mother's Day I realized I was having a miscarriage at only 5 weeks. In October 2016 we became pregnant again and were excited but scared at the same time. As the pregnancy progressed we got some news that we weren't expecting. We hoped for the best but we were told the worst. Around week 16 after several tests we were told that our daughter had Turner’s Syndrome and had a low chance of survival. We still hoped and prayed for the best outcome. During an appointment with my doctor I heard my daughter's heartbeat and smiled, I saw her move around and laughed with joy. Little did I know that this would be the last time I would hear that little heartbeat. That was around 19 weeks gestation. At my 20 week checkup the doctor sadly delivered the news that my little girl's heartbeat could not be found. The very next day I delivered my angel and held her for the first and last time in my life.


Alaina's Gift Inc. was created after I lost my sweet baby girl Alaina Michelle to Turner's Syndrome in January 2017. After losing her I was so hurt and angry because I wasn't going to be taking a baby home with me once I left the hospital. Later when I received the bill from the hospital that made me even angrier and I felt it was unfair for them to charge me. Why didn't my insurance cover all the costs for these tests? Why couldn't the hospital be more sympathetic and not charge me for this? How could they do this to me knowing the traumatic loss that I was going through? I knew it was just the way things were but I was still angry. One day I got the idea to create this nonprofit organization to assist other angel mommies like myself with their medical bills. I know others may feel or have felt the way I did when receiving the bill from the hospital or doctor's office so I wanted to help. Our goal is to either pay partial or all of a medical bill for those mothers who have loss their angel during pregnancy (rules apply & certain criteria must be met). We are here to ease the financial stress that may come with a loss such as this.


This organization was inspired by my pregnancy losses and is dedicated to helping others who have suffered a pregnancy loss. It is funded solely from the generous donations of others who feel inclined to donate. As well as fundraisers hosted by the organization. Stay tuned for these upcoming events.....

We know firsthand the emotional pain & financial strain of losing a baby and we want to help ease the financial hurt.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist families who have experienced a pregnancy loss with medical bills associated with their loss & provide other resources to help them while they grieve.  We strive to eliminate the stress and worry of paying a bill while grieving the loss of a child they could not bring home.  We also make it our purpose to educate others about Pregnancy and Infant Loss. 

Our Vision

We believe that no Angel Parent should feel alone during their loss.  Supporting, Uplifting & Encouraging....every step of the way!

We Need Your Support Today!

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